We’ve come full circle with publishing content on the Internet. In the very beginning, it was all about the quality of the content. It didn’t take long for people to begin to tweak and modify their websites in order for the search engines to like them and feature them prominently in search results. And the Search Engine Optimization industry was born.

Today, we’re back to the point where the quality of content is what counts. SEO today is really quite simple and the arcane tactics that used to game the search engines are regularly and quickly dispatched. The team at ContentVerve.com have put together the following infographic that lists the common sense guidelines that will help you improve the quality of your content.

One of my favorite recommendations to businesses that are blogging is number 7: Answer your prospects’ questions. If you’re stuck for ideas, here are 10 suggestions for things to blog about.

Check out these 10 SEO Copywriting tips:
